The overwhelming excitement around CBD oil tinctures today can be traced back to a story about a little girl named Charlotte who suffered from an extreme form of epilepsy.
Charlotte Figi’s Fight
Charlotte Figi, and her twin sister, were born on October 18, 2006, to her parents Paige and Matt Figi. Charlotte had her first seizure at three months old and by the time she was 5, she was having nearly 300 seizures a week, was confined to a wheelchair, and had to be fed with a feeding tube.
Eventually, doctors diagnosed Charlotte with Dravet Syndrome, which is a severe form of epilepsy that cannot be managed with modern medicine. Charlotte was experiencing these seizures weekly, and there was no treatment on the horizon.
Charlotte’s parents, Paige and Matt scoured every piece of information they could get their hands on, in search of something that could help their beloved child. In 2012, Marijuana was legalized in Colorado, and with marijuana came its cousin, the hemp plant which is the same plant except for the active compound in hemp is CBD, with only trace amounts of THC (the psychoactive compound found in marijuana).
The Figi’s read about CBD which was available in Colorado and moved the family there where they were able to legally buy CBD.
A Ray of Hope with CBD
Working in lock-step with doctors and specialists, Charlotte’s parents were able to find the right amount to give to Charlotte. After administering the CBD, Charlotte’s seizures decreased drastically from hundreds a week to two or three times per month.
The use of medical marijuana and CBD was still illegal in many states as Charlotte’s family embarked on this journey to find potential solutions to support their daughter’s illness.
However, given their success and the word spreading to other families of the success, those with similar diagnoses started moving to Colorado Springs so they too could get the product where it was sold. Charlotte’s story gained momentum and gained worldwide media attention.
A Fire is Sparked
Charlotte became well-known, after the airing of a CNN documentary piece on her success, and became a worldwide figure in the US movement for medical marijuana and CBD and her story helped support US legislation on medical marijuana and hemp farming.
In 2014, the hemp amendment to the Farm Bill of 2014, legalized the growing of hemp and for the purpose of CBD extraction. The Farm Bill of 2018 expanded the legal interpretation of hemp-derived CBD and allowed for the transportation of hemp/CBD across state lines and removed CBD entirely from the DEA’s purview as a controlled substance.
With the passage of these pieces of legislation, the market has exploded with products being developed across every health and wellness category, and shops across the country are selling the products with great success.
A Sad Turn of Events Gave Birth to a Newfound Hope
Sadly, Charlotte died in April 2020 after contracting pneumonia which caused seizures, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrest. Charlotte was guarded by love and those who supported her journey wanted the world to see and know her story so that roadblocks could be overcome to work towards finding natural and more healthy solutions for treating illnesses like epilepsy.
She handled her illness with courage and love of life that infected everyone. Her legacy will be infinite. Her story is one of the most well-known and significant in supporting the amplification of the marijuana and CBD movement with products on the mass retail market.
While both CBD and marijuana have battled for legitimacy and their progress has been slow with legalization across the US, CBD has been on a journey of greater acceptance.
The Hope Continues
More and more studies are beginning to be undertaken or completed on the impact and effects of CBD on the human body. New discoveries regarding the plant’s compounds are being made every day.
Regardless of the fact that cultures worldwide have been using it for centuries as a natural remedy, it is just beginning to earn greater acceptance in the past decade as a holistic, natural alternative remedy that may work for some with conditions and symptoms.
There are positive results for some on the impact of CBD on the human body as a way to help manage stress, discomfort, and challenges with a restful night’s sleep.
More is being uncovered daily.
Science is On the Verge
These findings have sparked both consumers and health care practitioners to explore additional uses for this powerful compound whose benefits are not yet fully deciphered.
Studies will continue but this powerful compound born from a hemp plant may hold the answers to alternative solutions for a host of issues like opioid addiction, pain management, immune disorders, acne, arthritis, and more.
Any information to date is merely anecdotal but at High Falls Hemp NY, we follow it all very closely and will be sure to update and educate you on what we learn.
Be Smart about CBD
As always recommended, it is important to speak with your health care practitioner before trying CBD. Additionally, each person is unique and what works for one, may not work for another. In these COVID-19 times, people are spending more time at home and are hyper-focused on their daily health and wellness regimen.
There is a surge of natural and organic health and wellness products available and more coming. What is for certain is that many people are looking to alternatives like CBD to help them with their symptoms or conditions without the need for over the counter or prescription medications.