Full Spectrum vs Distillate: A Complete Guide
Capturing the beneficial compounds in cannabis has long been a source of fascination to cannabis cultivators and experts

When to Take CBD Oil for Sleep
The quest for a restful, restorative night’s sleep is a top priority for most of us. However, achieving the optimal 7 to 9 hours can be thwarted by diverse lifestyle...

CBD for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Birds, and Horses
All animals, with the exception of insects, have endocannabinoid systems. Like humans, cannabinoids such as CBD can interact with animal endocannabinoid systems and cannabinoid receptors. Emerging research and anecdotes from...

Does CBD Help Dogs Sleep at Night?
According to sleep expert Matthew Walker, “Sleep is the Swiss army knife of health. When sleep is deficient, there is sickness and disease. And when sleep is abundant, there is...

Is CBD Helpful for Leash Reactive Dogs?
Like humans, dogs are prone to feeling and expressing stress, fear, or frustration. For some canines, being leashed is a trigger for stress, which can show up in a range...

How to Make CBD Coffee
For many of us, kickstarting the morning with a steaming cup of coffee is non-negotiable. This treasured daily ritual provides a caffeine injection that makes the insurmountable – well, surmountable....

CBD: Weight Loss and Water Retention
As scientists dive deeper into the therapeutic properties of the hemp and cannabis plant, our understanding of the health benefits of individual cannabinoids, such as CBD, is becoming more comprehensive. ...
CBD and THC are found in the hemp and marijuana plants. CBD and the related cannabinoids (such as CBC, CBG, CBN, CBDV, etc.) produce a variety of wellness benefits, and...

Can You Take Too Much CBD?
Is it possible to take too much CBD and cause damage? High Falls Hemp NY shares a few facts about the safety of CBD and whether or not too much...

Is Full Spectrum CBD Better?
The products available with CBD today are everywhere you look! They are even at the grocery store now! If you have already asked your physician if CBD is okay for...

Everything you need to know about CBD Softgels
There are so many CBD products on the market today, and more coming. Whether it’s a drink, a topical treatment for your body, or a new CBD oil, there truly...

Can CBD Affect my Sex Drive?
The CBD revolution is happening all around us. CBD can be found in products across many lifestyle categories and it continues to evolve and be incorporated into many more. CBD...
Full-spectrum vs Broad-spectrum CBD: What’s the Difference?
While many are now aware of the diverse therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), fewer have wrapped their heads around the different formulations of the cannabinoid that are available. Terms like...

Researchers Claim CBD Can Help Prevent the COVID-19 Virus from Attaching to your Cells
For the week ending, January 14th, 2022, an article was published by researchers at the University of Oregon who studied the ability of a couple of cannabinoids, found in the...

A Glimpse at Cancer Research Done on CBD, CBN, and CBG Over the Years
You’ve probably heard claims about how cannabis and various cannabinoids found in the cannabis plan may have anti-cancer properties. These anecdotal reports from people and suggestions range from cannabinoids being...

What is CBG and How Can CBG Supplement Help You?
If you follow news about cannabinoids, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard CBG brought up a few times. Some people claim that it could potentially be the next CBD,...

CBD and Motion Sickness
Many people and pets struggle with motion sickness whether in a car, on a boat or any other moving object. For those that struggle with it, it’s the bane of...

The 5 Myths About CBD
Over the past 2 years, since the laws were changed making hemp and CBD extracted from it legal, CBD has found its way into supplements, lotions, beauty products, flavored beverages,...

5 CBD Benefits for Women
CBD is one of the hundreds of compounds found in the hemp and cannabis plants. Unlike THC, which cannabis is known to possess, CBD is not psychoactive and will not...

How Long are CBD Oil Tinctures Good For?
Everyone is talking about CBD oil tinctures. CBD oil tinctures are a natural substance extracted from the hemp plant, and thanks to the 2014 Farm Bill, is federally legal. CBD...

CBD Tinctures vs CBD Softgels: What’s right for you?
There are so many different forms of CBD products online and lining the shelves of retail stores everywhere. There are topical beauty products, edibles in many forms, and more. If...

Can CBD help me Quit Smoking?
Nicotine addiction is a challenge many people struggle with today. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 14% of Americans over the age of 18 smoke cigarettes. That’s over 34...

How CBD May Be A Holistic Option to Manage How Body Responds to Fear
Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous and is a threat that is likely to cause harm. Fear can be triggered by...

Can CBD be Helpful for Public Speaking?
Public Speaking Can Be Scary for Some I’m standing at the podium in a room filled by my peers or colleagues and they are all staring at me. My palms...

A Female Leader in CBD
Nestled in the heart of the Hudson Valley in upstate New York, you’ll find the home of High Falls Hemp NY, a CBD company that manufacturers and produces the highest...
Anyone Heard of CBG and CBN?
Those who are old enough will remember a 1960s reality game show “To Tell the Truth” in which celebrities try to pick the person of notoriety, out of a group...

The Girl that Inspired the CBD Tincture Movement
The CBD movement has been inspired by Charlotte Figi and her family. It was a courageous little girl that sparked a movement trailblazing a path for many.

CBD and Hemp: Uncovering the Truth
How lack of knowledge and the rise in popularity inflates the risk of dangerous counterfeit products New and old science has brought the benefits of cannabidiol, known as CBD, to...

Tribute to 420 on 4/20
Happy 4/20! Whether you partake in the enjoyment of some high-quality marijuana or not it’s all the same – 4/20 is the day we celebrate marijuana in the US. Not only...

Why we love the new New York State hemp legislation (and you should too)
On December 9, New York governor, Andrew Cuomo signed into law a comprehensive bill that will regulate all aspects of the hemp/CBD industry and includes requirements for the sale of...

Governor Cuomo Signs Pro-Consumer Hemp Legislation
The press release below highlights groundbreaking legislation signed on December 9th by Governor Cuomo. This legislation will allow New York State to lead the nation in quality-control of hemp-derived CBD....

USDA Hemp Rules
On October 29, 2019 the U.S. Department of Agriculture released an interim final rule for Hemp regulations. As a licensed Hemp grower with the NY State Department of Agriculture and...